Computer Music Journal
Published Article
My article "Electronic_Khipu_: Thinking in Experimental Sound from an Ancestral Andean Interface" has been published in Volume 44, Issue 2-3 Summer/Fall 2020 of the MIT Press Computer Music Journal, a special double issue that highlight accessibility and diversity, the theme of the 2020 New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference.
This issue in which my Electronic_Khipu_ is also on the cover, has been edited by Franziska Schroeder and Romain Michon to whom I extend my gratitude for the invitation and the invaluable comments and inputs.
This article is an expanded version of the paper I presented at the NIME conference in 2020.
it can be read freely here:
AcknowledgmentsThanks to Hess Jeon, Nomi Sasaki, Luis Urquieta, Nicolas Cadavid, and Amir Bastan for their collaboration, to Professor Enrique Tomás for encouraging me to present this research to the NIME community, and to the guest editors of this issue and the editorial team behind Computer Music Journal. Finally, thanks to the participants of all the meetings on “Talking and Music-Making Circles on Decoloniality and Software” organized by Luis Navarro, whose words inspired many of the thoughts presented in the article.